Attorney, Consulting Partner
- Contact
Montreal office : 514 845-3533
F : 514 845-9522
- Education
Bachelor of Laws from Université de Sherbrooke
Member of the Barreau du Québec (1984)
- Areas of expertise
- Incorporation, Business Start-ups and Corporate Restructuring
- Banking Law
- Conventional, subordinated and venture capital financing
- Financing, taking collateral
- Commercial leases
- International Contracts
- Commercial Trade
- Partnership (joint venture) and business consortiums
- Acquisition and sale of assets/shares
- Franchising
- Non-competition clauses and Restrictive covenants
- Intra-Company Transfers
- Business Start-ups
- Corporate mergers and acquisitions
- Contracts (negotiation, drafting, interpretation, etc.)
- Transfers between generations
- Corporate financing and venture capital
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From the outset of his career, Michel Dubois has focused upon Business, Civil and Commercial Law. He acts as legal counsel in many purchase and sale transactions and corporate mergers. For more than 15 years, he has specialized in Banking Law, whether in traditional financing or venture capital matters. He advises and supports numerous clients in matters of corporate reorganization, implementation of new commercial structures and transactions. Michel Dubois assists several clients in business contracts, including the preparation, drafting and negotiation of said contracts.
He serves a clientèle made up of private, small and medium-sized businesses, financial institutions and public and parapublic organizations.
He has written and published many articles on business and corporate law. On a regular basis, Michel Dubois is guest speaker in numerous forums attended by members of business organizations and professional organizations.
Social and Professionnal activities
- Member of the Réseau Capital
- Member of the Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de la Rive-Sud
- Member of the Chambre de commerce du Haut-Richelieu