Attorney, Partner
- Contact
Montreal office : 514 845-3533
F : 514 845-9522
- Education
Bachelor in Microbiology from Université Laval (2000)
Bachelor of Law from Université Laval (2003).
Membre of the Barreau du Québec (2004)
- Areas of expertise
- Contractual and Non-contractual Liability
- Acquisition and sale of real estate
- Commercial leases
- Review of property title
- Real estate litigation
- Offers to purchase real estate
- Construction Bond
- Violations of the building regulations (BSDQ, CSST, CCQ, APCHQ, RBQ)
- Legal hypothec of construction
- Litigation, Deficiencies and Defects
- Construction Contract Claims (additional work, extras, site extension, unforeseen site conditions and impact costs)
- Professional Liability of Engineers and Architects
- Latent Defects
- Injunction, seizure and extraordinary recourse
- Shareholders’ dispute
- Intellectual Property
- Damage Assessment
- Contracts (negotiation, drafting, interpretation, etc.)
- Call for tenders and procurement
- Insurance and surety bonds
- Commercial Litigation
- Alternative Dispute Resolution (settlement conference, arbitration and mediation)
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Dominic St-Jean mainly practises in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, real estate law, construction law as well as bankruptcy and insolvency. He pleads regularly before all Courts in Quebec. Furthermore, from 2011 to 2014, he held the position of Vice-President, Corporate and Legal Affairs at a prestigious real estate group in the province of Quebec. His responsibilities included all legal aspects relating to the operations and transactions of the group.
In recent years, Dominic accomplished several important mandates, more specifically :
- Acting on behalf of several real estate groups in a variety of litigation files dealing with their operations and transactions ;
- Acting on behalf of several companies and their directors regarding oppression remedies instituted by minority shareholders ;
- Acting on behalf of numerous companies in the context of actions in damages and injunctions relating to unfair competition and breach of fiduciary duty;
- Acting on behalf of various franchisors and franchisees in litigation matters, including franchise disputes ;
- Acting on behalf of several general contractors and service providers in a wide range of litigation matters pertaining to their business operations ;
- Acting on behalf of various suppliers of materials relating to the filing of construction liens and to applications pursuant to the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act.
Social and Professionnal activities
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Fondation Père Lindsay since 2008 (secretary from 2009 to 2013)